What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, and Shop Pay. To view a full list of our accepted payment methods, please visit the bottom of our main page.

Do you offer free shipping?
sky-cover is proud to serve our customers from all over the world! The default pricing on our site is in USD, the conversion rate depends on your issuing credit card company used on the transaction.

What is your return policy?
You can find our return policy here

How long does it take to process a return or exchange?
Returns or exchanges take up to 30 days to process.

How can I track my order?
You can track your order using our Track Order page.
A shipping confirmation is emailed to you as soon as your order has been shipped, which will allow you to track the status of your shipment.
The tracking information normally lags behind the true status of your package. If it hasn't updated in over 6 days, please contact support.


Once you place an order, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Once your order has been processed in 1-3 business days after being purchased and is ready to leave our distribution center, you will receive another email with shipping information. Please note that the shipping confirmation email does not necessarily mean that the carrier has picked up your package from our distribution center.


After you place your order, we always send an order confirmation email to the email you provided us. After we ship your order, we also send shipping confirmation email to the email you provided us. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder for the emails.

Do you ship internationally?
We ship our products worldwide, so you can shop with us from anywhere

What if I receive a defective product?
Rest assured, if you receive a defective product, we'll replace it free of charge.

Can I cancel my order after I've placed it?
We offer a 24-hour cancellation window after placing your order. If you change your mind within this time, please let us know and we'll cancel your order for you.

Do you offer any warranties or guarantees on your products?
We stand by the quality of our products and offer a 30-day warranty on all purchases.

How secure is my personal information?
Sky-cover adheres to the highest global industry standards to protect your personal information.

How can I contact customer support?
You can contact our customer support team at any time by emailing us at support@sky-cover.com or WhatsApp: 00393509938733

Do you offer any discounts or promotions?
Yes, we do offer discounts and promotions! Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on our latest deals.

How do I know if an item is in stock?
If you can add an item to your cart, it's in stock and ready to be shipped to you.

Can I order a custom case design?
Not at this time, but we are working on adding that feature in the future.

Are your cases environmentally friendly?
We're committed to sustainability, so all of our cases are made from environmentally friendly materials.

Do you have a physical store location that I can visit?
We're an online-only store, which allows us to offer the best prices and selection to our customers.

Can I bulk order cases for my business or organization?
Yes, you can! Please contact our customer support team for more information on bulk ordering.

How long will it take to receive my order?
You can expect to receive your order within 7 - 21 business days after placing it. delivery may be delayed depending on your country's customs.


Import taxes, duties and related customs fees may be charged once the parcel arrives at the destination country. These charges are determined by the customs office of the specific destination.

Payment of these charges and taxes are the responsibility of the recipient and will not be covered by us here at sky-cover.com For further details of charges, please contact your local customs office., even if the shipment is refused upon delivery.

What is the process for exchanging a product?
To exchange a product, please contact our customer support team and we will take care of the rest.

Do you have any recommended maintenance or cleaning instructions for your cases?
No, we do not have any specific maintenance or cleaning instructions for our cases.

Can I use a promo code and a gift card at the same time?
Yes, you can use a promo code and a gift card at the same time.


Store Name_____ : SKY-COVER
Company name    : corticelles limited
Company number: 13500572
Address                 : 71-75 STREE, LONDON GREATER LONDON, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ
Whatsapp              : 00393509938733
Email                     : support@sky-cover.com.